On March 7th 2010, Nagatoro held a fire festival. Priests walk through flames and hot embers to pay homage to O-Fudomiyo, one of the Buddhist guardians.
The priests perform an elaborate ceremony and walk through knee high flames. Onlookers are invited to take part in the stroll over hot embers.
One participant stated, “It’s not painful at all. I only got my feet dirty.”
The participants vary in age the youngest being elementary school students to the elderly. The priests take special care of the participants and provide assistance through the flames, while the fire is continually stoked and fed with the previous year’s temple plaques and charms.
One of the participating priests explained the basics of enduring the flames: “The festival is for O-Fudomiyo. I have concentration when I walk across. I don’t think about anything. So, it doesn’t hurt.”
The festival includes traditional lion dances, taiko drumming and martial art demonstrations. The festival is held yearly at the beginning of March in this quaint mountain community.
(The priests perform a ceremony in front of the shrine. Conch shells bellow in low tones as prayers are offered to O-Fudomiyo. )
(The priests begin a new chant.)
(Priest chants and blesses the fire.)
(Priest lends a helping hand through the burning embers.)
(The heat and rain mixes to form steam.)
(The head priest prepares to give his acolytes orders.)
(© Robert J. Hartung III All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. )
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